St Philip and St James, Hallow
Hallow is a wonderful mid-Victorian church, Grade 2* listed, and can look quite daunting from the outside – but it’s full of friendly people! We normally hold a service every Sunday, but please check our Worship page for details of this week’s services.
We welcome everyone to worship. Most of our Sunday services include Holy Communion but once a month we have a more relaxed and informal service without Communion. We enjoy sharing refreshments after our Sunday services too.
Our church building is fully accessible for children’s buggies and wheelchairs and we have an accessible toilet. We are trying to become more eco-friendly too, with “no mow” areas in our churchyard to encourage pollinators and wildlife.
St Philip and St James is a fantastic space for community gatherings – we host concerts, flower festivals, school events, social gatherings for refugees, Stay & Play for children, Easter and Christmas craft workshops, and we are also used as a meeting space by our local Parish Council.

St Philip and St James Church
Main Rd, Hallow
When can I visit?
We normally hold a service every Sunday, but please check our Worship page for details of this week’s services.
About the Church building
The current church was designed by Gilbert Scott and funded by the Wheeley-Lea family, directors of Lea & Perrins Worcester Sauce and was consecrated in 1869.
The church was the second on this site but the foundations of a previous church are visible in a nearby churchyard. The current church is a II* listed building. There are a number of ancient monuments in the church including reference to Dr Charles Bell (Bell’s Palsy) who died in Hallow and is buried in the old churchyard.
British History Online: Entry for Hallow
Grade II* Listed Building: Listing Details Here
Historic England listing: Please Click Here
Ground plans for both 1830 and 1869: Church Plans Online
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References and some further sources:
Aitken, John. Census of Religious Worship, 1851: The Returns for Worcestershire.
Bridges, Tim. Churches of Worcestershire (2005)
Brooks, Alan, and Nikolaus Pevsner. Buildings of England: Worcestershire (2007)
Morgan, Paul. Inspections of churches and parsonage houses in the Diocese of Worcester in 1674, 1676, 1684, and 1687 (1986)
Noake, John. The Rambler in Worcestershire or, Stray Notes on Churches and Congregations. Volume I (1848) p.116
Stanton, George K., Rambles and researches among Worcestershire Churches; with historical notes relating to several parishes. Volume II (1886) p.167
Ransome, Mary. The State of the Bishopric of Worcester, 1782-1808 (1968)
Transactions of Worcestershire Archaeological Society, New Series Vol VII (1930)